
Transformation is required – How to achieve it?

Transformation is required – How to achieve it?

This evening I'm writing and posting a spur-of-the-moment blog arguing that nothing is going to change, despite the serious nature of the failures reported yesterday, because something is far, far more seriously wrong with the basic fabric of the Church - what it claims to believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible - the fundamentals of our faith. A new movement is required.

Rethinking Christianity

Rethinking Christianity

Last Wednesday, 15 January 2025, two serendipitous events occurred. First, Thinking Anglicans listed just two opinion articles, one by Gilo for ViaMedia and one by me for Unadulterated Love. A conversation developed between us and others posting comments. The second event occurred later that morning. I came across the latest podcast by Sam Howsen, a conversation with Robert Thompson delving into the challenges facing the Church of England under a new Archbishop. Sam and Gilo are both contributing in their own very particular ways to living and imagining and exploring themselves and their life experience in the context of Christianity and I am a fellow traveller and seeker with them.

It’s the Church of England’s doctrine of God that requires our primary attention

It’s the Church of England’s doctrine of God that requires our primary attention

It’s not the doctrine of marriage that needs our primary attention, It’s the doctrine of God. That’s why I keep asking the question – what kind of God? I won’t stop asking the question. I believe it is fundamental to what we seek and that by which we are drawn – the mystery of love – what this mystery of love is and why we fall into it.

The Podcast, the Archbishop, Makin, Resignation, and the Future

The Podcast, the Archbishop, Makin, Resignation, and the Future

A sequence of three events in the last three weeks has conspired to create turmoil in the Church of England resulting in a crisis that will be difficult to resolve. As a result of our contemporary inability to talk openly and honestly about the God we do and don’t believe in it may well be almost impossible to agree the appointment of a new Archbishop of Canterbury. The next Archbishop will need to have the most remarkable and combined gifts of courage, vision, prophecy, awareness and resolve.

The divine relationship; an audacious transformation

The divine relationship; an audacious transformation

At the moment I am very aware of how books have changed me and my relationship with myself, my sexuality, the Church of England, Christianity, and God, half-way though Diarmaid MacCulloch’s recently published Lower than the Angels; A History of Sex and Christianity. It was the phrase “the divine relationship, an audacious transformation” that unlocked the door to an idea I’ve been struggling to develop for several weeks.

Sounds like bog-standard Anglicanism to me

Sounds like bog-standard Anglicanism to me

My faith is of the variety Tim Chesterton identifies as bog-standard Anglicanism in a recent Thinking Anglicans comment. This blog is offered to all “progressive” Church of England people and groups. It is in this bog-standard openness that my personal deep truths and values, inspired by Jesus, the Bible, God and the Holy Spirit, are somehow embedded and expressed, in a Church that was once fluid, open, permissive, generous, adventurous, and broad. But this model is being actively displaced and superseded by a model imposed by the institution and local congregations by the desperate need for survival. They are required to achieve by growth by any means, fuelled by financial resources not available to those pursuing bog-standard Anglicanism – because bog-standard Anglicanism is too radical and scares the horses.

Which God?

Which God?

There is something very unpleasant going on in the Church of England and the Anglican Communion since 1998 that leaves me feeling increasingly conflicted and abused emotionally and spiritually – assaulted by dogma and doctrine and a cruel, ruthless God. This is where the rich, creative, inspiring Christian heritage of my first five decades has brought me; deep disagreement about my sexuality, my priesthood, my membership of the Church of England, my theology and my spiritual vision. It has become more and more difficult to live with this - and it gets worse.