
Jesus and human flourishing or Trump, enemy of Christian humanism

Jesus and human flourishing or Trump, enemy of Christian humanism

I wish to be part of a movement in the Church that is reimagining Christian basics, recovering the Christian Church, not as an institution with commands, prohibitions, creeds and doctrines, but as a movement of people touched by the reality of God at the heart of their lives, nourishing the divine, the essence of God in the centre of our being, in our bodies and emotions, valuing and honouring the incarnational presence of the Christ.

Transformation is required – How to achieve it?

Transformation is required – How to achieve it?

This evening I'm writing and posting a spur-of-the-moment blog arguing that nothing is going to change, despite the serious nature of the failures reported yesterday, because something is far, far more seriously wrong with the basic fabric of the Church - what it claims to believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible - the fundamentals of our faith. A new movement is required.