Big Bang

Evolution and Energy Fields

Evolution and Energy Fields

For fourteen years I worked episodically, writing a book, attempting an inclusive account of evolution that placed the Hebrew and Christian narratives within a holistic, cosmic framework. It was an ambitious enterprise. I never managed to find a publisher. Perhaps elements of what I have written will eventually find their way into a simpler, more publishable book. Meanwhile, I will post sections of the book here, ingredients of my faith in unadulterated love.

Anticipatory Faith

Anticipatory Faith

Science has demonstrated that we live in a universe that is still awakening and is therefore open to new possibilities of being. An anticipatory faith looks at the universe as the primary subject of awakening. Until relatively modern times religions assumed that to find out what’s really going on in the universe, an ongoing transformation of hearts and minds was essential. Our own minds and hearts are required to undergo an extraordinary transformation to put us in touch with the deepest meaning of the cosmic story. Each of us can contribute to this cosmic awakening.