Church of England announces Living in Love and Faith proposals

Changing Attitude England has issued the following Press Release in response to the announcement about proposals agreed at the House of Bishops meeting on Tuesday 17 January 2023. The Church of England issued a press release announcing that “for the first time, under historic plans outlined today, same-sex couples will be able to come to church to give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership and receive God’s blessing.”

Speaking on behalf of the Changing Attitude England Steering Group, the Revd Colin Coward MBE said:

“Most bishops will be aware that same-sex couples are already sometimes offered services of blessing by parish clergy in their local church, although these are not yet authorised. We believe that God’s blessing on same-sex civil marriages and civil partnerships is always bestowed on our loving relationships. In failing to approve equal marriage in the Church of England the Bishops continue to deny that God blesses the loving, faithful relationships of all LGBTQIA+ people.

“The apology the Bishops say they will issue to LGBTQI+ people for the ‘rejection, exclusion and hostility’ they have faced in churches and the impact this has had on their lives is a hollow gesture. By failing to affirm equality in ministry and relationships for LGBTQI+ people, the Bishops maintain the freedom of those opposed to our equal status to act in ways that are hostile to us and perpetuate our rejection and exclusion.

“The statement says ‘All congregations will be encouraged to welcome same-sex couples ‘unreservedly and joyfully’ as they reaffirm their commitment to a ‘radical new Christian inclusion . . . based on good, healthy, flourishing relationships’. Yet it is impossible to create such an environment while refusing to celebrate equal marriage In Church. The Bishops choose to continue the practice that systemically abuses LGBTQIA+ people.

“Changing Attitude England has repeatedly asked the Bishops to define in more detail what ‘radical new Christian inclusion’ means. They have never done so. Of course not. To do so would require them to commit to teachings unacceptable to those in the Church opposed in principle to the possibility of marriage equality and truly radical divine inclusion.

“It is a relief to know that the 1991 statement ‘Issues in Human Sexuality’ is to be replaced by new pastoral guidance. A new group will be set up to produce this guidance to replace ‘Issues’ and explain the practical implications of the bishops’ proposals and in Human Sexuality.

“After many years of refusing to state their own views, it is refreshing to see that the bishops are now admitting the extent of the disagreement between themselves over the possibility of changing the Church’s teaching on marriage. But their desire to continue to ‘walk together’ amid their differences means that they remain out of step with English society, which has embraced civil partnerships, equal marriage and legal equality and protection for LGBTQIA+ people in the last 25 years.

“Until the bishops understand and commit themselves to radical new Christian inclusion, the Archbishop of York and others will repeatedly have to express their deep sorrow and grief at the way LGBTQI+ people and those they love have been and are being treated by the Church.”


Changing Attitude England was founded in 1995 to campaign for equality for LGBTIQ+ people in the Church of England. It evolved to become an international network and co-ordinated action at the Lambeth Conferences in 1998 and 2008.